perjantai 27. tammikuuta 2012

The mystery full of Tricks and Treats

“I saw once a murder! I really did!” 13-year-old Joyce claims at the children’s Halloween party, but no one believes her, after all, she is such a liar. But after the party, Joyce is found drowned, murdered. Everyone ends up in panic but Mrs. Oliver, a detective fiction writer knows what to do; she calls her friend, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot for help.

Agatha Christie’s novel Hallowe’en Party, published in 1969, is a detective story about Hercule Poirot who tries to solve the mystery of Joyce Reynols’ death. It is difficult and everyone seems suspicious. Traces take Poirot to the past and the puzzle is slowly starting to become clear. 

For a detective novel, Hallowe’en Party is very exciting story, which has thrilling twists and turns, secret romances and lies. As soon as a new suspect is discovered, somebody gets murdered and everything turns upside down again. Still in the end, when they finally reveal the murderer and the reader thinks it’s over, there is still one more left. I think that’s the best side of the book.

Old British English may be little hard to read with all the old phrases, but I think it offers much more than modern texts and it consist mostly of dialog. All characters and chit chats have been described accurately but there are told only a few things about basics, which makes text laborious to follow. At some point it feels the story didn’t proceed at all.

I think that Hercule Poirot has a magnificent personality and really is the star of the book with all his conceit and good manners but unfortunately the others were dwarfed by him and were easily forgotten. Still, I think the plot was good and the book offers a great reading experience to person who likes mysteries, excitement and unexpected turns. 

Art and music in schools

Music and arts are school subjects but they are important because everyone can express their own character and feelings through them. It’s very important that everyone can express themselves in their own way for instance by drawing, playing guitar or dancing.

For children, music and visual arts are a fun way to learn new things. With visual arts children learn to be more creative and with music children learn to listen, which are advantages later in life. A child may also find some arts really fun or even find a perfect way to recharge the batteries. That’s why in elementary school they should have even more arts than they have nowadays.

I don’t think that arts are really necessary in high school. If someone doesn’t like music or art, I think it’s totally in vain to spend time drawing something better than to do something that really interests in or is actually valuable. I think it is good that in high school there are a couple of compulsory courses and a lot of more advanced courses because someone may still find their own ”thing” and it gives a chance to those who really are into music or art.

The importance of the art subjects decreases when children grow older. Only a few people actually paint or play to support themselves and even then the salary is usually very poor so it isn’t important at all to have arts in high school or even in junior high. Yet I think that art is refreshing, but it would be better if everyone did it in their own time.

keskiviikko 18. tammikuuta 2012

Finnish film production

Christmas Story, FC Venus and Beauty and the Bastard conquer Finnish hearts but they are rarely known overseas. Melancholic films describe Finnish people character well and are very important to them, especially some old war films like The Unknown Soldier. Unfortunately foreigners don’t understand our domestic films and their simplicity; moreover there is also a language barrier. Therefore they don’t get so much admiration abroad.

Compared to European or American films the Finnish ones are very realistic stories, which are usually about normal or poor people and their everyday life. They don’t have either as much action as the Hollywood films. I don’t really like basic Finnish films and usually I find them too boring or grim, yet there are exceptions, for instance a parody called Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning. Even though the sense of humor is very different in Finnish films compared to foreign ones, I find it funny.

Finland definitely has potential in film making. There are Finnish directors who have succeeded also abroad, for instance Renny Harlin and some good actors too. Yet I think that Finnish landscape is our advantage in film production because we have beautiful views, forests, lakes and also snow in winter.

I don’t think that Finnish films will ever reach the same level as American or European ones. Nevertheless, I have faith in Finnish cinema; after all it reflects Finnish culture and Finnish people. 

torstai 12. tammikuuta 2012

The culture I’d like to live in

I would like to live in China in East Asian culture. The Chinese art is really unique and remarkable whether it is about music, visual arts or movies. The people are kind and well raised, even the food is delicious.

The instruments of East Asian musicians are very different compared to the west and they are hard to play, but still the music is deep and smooth. I like the calmness and beauty of instrumental Chinese music, which can relax the whole body and mind. In China they also use a lot natural voices like water to bring a whole new dimension in music. An other unique part of Chinese art is literature, especially calligraphy.

The community and close relationships are important to East Asian people. They are taught good manners and to respect other people, especially older ones. Family is close and the members respect each other. Westerners should take inspiration from Chinese politeness, even though it’s sad that Chinese people aren't able to show their feelings but act how they are trained. 

Although the Chinese language is very hard, I would like to learn it because it’s one of the oldest and definitely the most beautiful. China’s history is full of interesting issues, which have shaped on its own way the culture of East Asia

sunnuntai 8. tammikuuta 2012

Here's Johnny!

Genres: Thriller, Horror
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Stars: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall and Danny Lloyd
Country: USA, The Great Britain
Lenght: 119min
Year of manufacture: 1980

The Legendary horror movie The Shining is absolutely Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece. It’s successful version of the Stephen King’s novel even though it’s not fully the same. The film had its premiere in 1980 and is an example why people should watch older horror movies.

Jack (Jack Nicholson) and his wife (Shelley Duvall) and son (Danny Lloyd) are going to live their winter in an overlook-hotel in the middle of nowhere. The owner warns Jack that the previous resident went insane and murdered his family. Jacks son Danny has a special ability to sense future and communicate with people for long distance, and starts to have visions and get a bad hunch about the hotel. The family gets stuck, all lines are broken and perfectly normal Jack is slowly going insane. His family isn’t safe anymore.

The Shining has the basic horror stories plot and may be little clichéd but still it’s one of the greatest horror movies ever made in its simplicity. In the film there’s also parts which can be little boring and nothing actually happens, yet these parts create tense atmosphere and make the movie even more exciting.

Blood splatter and violence are almost totally forgotten along this breathtaking thrill and the tension has been made more with slow tempo and psychology. One of the unusual things in the movie is that the main character is also villain of the story. Even if the storyline is already great and impressive, it would be a lot of better if it would be more realistic.

The Film’s music has nailed it. Simple but still deep and anemic sounds are perfect to theme and create mood. It’s without a doubt one of the creepiest tunes ever played in horror movies and certainly gives shivers, but it’s played in weird parts of the film; in scene which in actually happens nothing is the most thrilling music. It makes even slowest scenes alive and makes sure that audience breaks a sweat.

The Shining has given inspiration for many other horror films. Music, environment, filming perspective and plot are a perfect mach. Still the most impressive in the film is acting of John Nicholson. He makes the character most frightening ever. All in all, The Shining is a pearl of horror movies and is a part of general knowledge.